Private exhibition 2021 in TOKYO

In 2021, we held the first solo exhibition of the mental health art project “Who Am I?” by TOMOKO, titled “What do you imagine without colors? – What do you imagine in an era of information overload?” at the America-Bashi Gallery in Ebisu, Tokyo.

The exhibition featured 20 works from the “100 Women” series of the “Who Am I?” by TOMOKO project. This series portrays the mental dialogues (self-dialogues) of 100 women through photography, video, and poetry. Each story is fictional but inspired by counseling sessions, carefully weaving together their emotions and thoughts.

Each monochrome photo on canvas displayed in the exhibition included a QR code that linked to an online exhibit of poetry and video. Scanning the QR code plays a video accompanied by instrumental music that is synchronized with the poetry. The work asks, “What do you imagine in an era of information overload?” and invites visitors to enjoy the transformation of their thoughts and emotions as they move from monochrome photos to color videos.

Visitors were encouraged to bring their smartphones and earphones to watch the instrumental videos while listening to the heartbeat sounds (BGM) within the gallery, creating an environment conducive to mental dialogues (self-dialogue) and meditation. Additionally, in a space downstairs from the main exhibition area, we projected videos of the sea, sky, and earth on the walls, providing a relaxing environment for visitors to engage in mental dialogues and meditation.

At the opening event, we premiered the project’s music piece “Who Am I?” and its music video, enjoying meaningful time with the visitors. The photos, videos, and poetry of the 20 women displayed in this exhibition will be gradually made available to the public. We hope these works inspire many people to reflect on themselves and explore the depths of their emotions and thoughts.

Read the article about the exhibition published on Amana IMA ONLINE. We invite you to check it out.

Watch the Exhibition Announcement Video on our YouTube channel: (Who Am I ? by TOMOKO)

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